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117706 vote / Directors - David Lynch / story - Set in a distant future where life in the universe and space travel is dependent upon a spice found only on the planet Dune, this film tracks the rise of young Paul Atreides, son of noble Duke Leto, from the time of his father"s betrayal and murder by the evil Baron Harkonnen, to his discovery of the great secret behind the planet Dune and his own destiny, which is to free the planet and its denizens of the cruel rule of the Emperor / Leonardo Cimino / Year - 1984 / genres - Sci-Fi







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As John Sheridan said in Babylon 5: We need to _understand_ our way out of this. br> There are only a few cinematographic and bibliographic universes, that you think and ponder on for years, finding new aspects and ideas each time. The Dune universe is one of these. It is an endless vault of anthropological, sociological and ontological richness that spans over the complete spectrum of human life.
More than anything, it is a study of Humanity, how humans would function in a technologically depraved universe. Indeed, the characters of this universe are humans, descendants of our planet Earth, not unspecified humanoids as in Star Wars, for example.
Today, we rely much on computers and instantaneous communications. In "Dune" computers are deemed illegal by religion, thou shalt not make a machine in likeness of the human mind. Direct communications between planets are not possible, so messages have to be sent by couriers, and couriers can be bribed, or killed. The involved time lag makes centralized government impossible and the only working political system is a feudal system, with feudal barons and dukes.
Any single motion picture or book can only give a limited viewpoint on a universe this large and complex. David Lynch has been able to capture the "look and feel" of the universe and its characters in a uniquely intriguing, immersive way. An astounding casting and unorthodox, majestic soundtrack by "Toto" contributes much to this.
The main shortcoming of the original Lynch version is that the plot is really quite impossible to understand, due to shortening to make the movie fit in 2 hours. The Sci-Fi channel miniseries was set out to correct this and can be a real eye-opener for those who have not read the books. Unfortunately the miniseries comes short in precisely the same aspects in which the Lynch movie shines. There is no sensation of being in other worlds and the actors are. well, actors.
The latest region 2 DVD release, which was disowned by Lynch because of the admittedly horrible intro sequence and the immediately following post-dubbed overexplanation of things was, to me, a pleasant surprise. Indeed, the first half an hour is horrible, but the last 2.5 hours more than make up for it. Suddenly, with a lot of previously cut-off scenes reinserted into the original version, the plot doesn"t seem that unintelligible at all. It"s not perfect, but it"s the best so far.
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Rating: 1203377 Votes / Quentin Tarantino / / Star: Diane Kruger / Brief: During World War II, Lt. Aldo Raine leads his squad of Jewish-American soldiers behind enemy lines in Nazi occupied France. Their job is simple: kill the enemy. They also have a particularly violent approach to what they do scalping their victims. Soon they are known and feared throughout the German army. In Paris, Shosanna runs a cinema and through a chance meeting with a German war hero, is selected to host the premiere of one of Dr. Josef Goebbels propaganda film. With all of the German high command scheduled to attend - including Hitler, Goering and Martin Bormann - it seems like the ideal opportunity for Lt. Raine and his men to bring the war to a quick end. Shosanna, who is Jewish and whose parents and siblings were killed before her eyes, also has her own plans for the evening"s festivities. When she realizes that the man who killed her family Colonel Hans Landa, known as the Jew Hunter, will also be there it makes her own plans complete / creator: Quentin Tarantino







Must watch if you"re a fan of QT or movies in general. Couple of scenes may not be for faint of heart otherwise a great movie. Free Movie Sacanas Sem leiden classical. The music at the beggining just works so well. Its like a kick of fear and adrenaline. “Nah, more like chewed out, Ive been chewed up before!” That line makes me laugh every time. Not because of how it was delivered, but because what it represents: American mindset. I had a dream like this once... One brave German dam. Tarantino, everyone knows this guy. Violent, bizarre, great director.
If you are going to watch this movie, please do forget the first line. If you want to judge this film, you need to be objective.
Well, let"s begin, shall we. The first scene was great, I mean, there was a great atmosphere, great color selection, great script, great performances, you all know who I"m talking about, if not, Chrostoph Waltz. After the first scene, the film takes a very bad turn and goes downhill from then on.
What happens in the early-mid part of the film. Nothing. just an attempt to replicate some of the things he (Tarantino) did in the past, he failed terribly at all of these. Just an example:
* SPOILER ALERT. br> The last bit of the film where the girl gets killed is basically what he did in Kill Bill when O-Ren Ishii"s parents were killed. The only difference is that in Kill Bill he succeeded remarkably well. You may or may not like Kill Bill but that scene was beautiful, the colors, angles, animation and MUSIC were all dancing together for the same purpose.
The scene where the guy comes out with the baseball bat is an attempt to replicate the entrance of the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill. Failed at that as well, too long, too boring, turned out to be quite annoying.
. br> The mid-last part of the film was boring as well. Long conversation and very pointless ones. You know Tarantino, scripts tend to have random conversations but this was just too random for my taste.
I"m not going to go against the historical inaccuracies like some people who wrote reviews because it"s fiction, you need to understand that.
The other performances were dull to me. Brad Pitt did a good job, I think the best he could"ve done. Why? because he is a fantastic actor. But the part was not very well written, so there"s limits to a performance.
Maybe if the film had been an hour shorter I would"ve reacted differently.
In conclusion, try to be objective please. Last but not least, because it"s a film by Quentin Tarantino doesn"t mean it"s going to be good, great, or bad. If you are curious, go and watch it.

Video starts: First seven seconds: “I respectfully refuse, sir” Video ends. 0:48 guy from cobra 11 :D. 6:40 Such a delicious strudel wasted by a cigarette. 1:48 Old age hit George Clooney like a train, maaaan. Even one of the best actors in the world can be really nervous when he gets the Oscar. That"s really lovely. Edit Storyline Manh, the survivor of a horrible car accident, awakes in a hospital with no memory of who he is. He begins to piece together the memories of his life through his wife, mother, friends, and a mysterious stranger. As it becomes evident that he is being told conflicting accounts of his past in order to cover up a crime, Manh must decide who to believe and who to trust. Written by Anonymous Plot Summary | Plot Synopsis Details Release Date: 17 September 2010 (Vietnam) See more » Also Known As: Giao L? ??nh M?nh Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $530, 398 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ».

They need to do a re-release of this in IMAX for its 10th anniversary once we can all go back to theaters. Damn it Hirschberg, best line ever lol. Always thought Eli Roth looked damn hot in this role. 4:53 indeed idk why, i thought the delivery was suave asf. Nazis and nazi sympathisers in the comments are hilarious. I cant decide if this is the best scene in the movie or not. She didnt edit it on her own did she. I remember watching this live and thinking if Waltz didnt win I was gonna go batshit crazy. Top 10 character"s thanos is too afraid to fight. I literally just watched Alita: Battle angel. Such a talented actor ???? His performance in IB, such class, such precision ?? Mind blowing. Respect for the German officer. Brave till the end. He wants to die for his country the sarcasm is amazing.

He portrayed one of the best characters in films, you hate him and you like him at the same time.



That salute damn freaking fast. Your Amazon Music account is currently associated with a different marketplace. To enjoy Prime Music, go to Your Music Library and transfer your account to (US). Eli roth and Quentin Tarantino is just a beautiful combination of violence. To, Jaime Campbell Bower: I saved her, with my Rinne"gan. I still observe living shadows however. HarryWarnerTheSecond #HarryWarnerII.

Take a left in 300 ft onto Kokoriko Village Blvd. That look just before he gets ready to hit him. PRICELESS. Awwww bless Sally??????. 452 simple minded people. 06:53, you can just feel the shock and all emotion. 2:38 WHY DO I HEAR BOSS MUSIC. He really deserved that medal for bravery...




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